A Naval First!
In our Royal Navy lead year, Lance Corporal Frank Rochford is making waves as the first Royal Marine musician to ever take on the prestigious role of Tattoo Lone Piper.

With nearly 75 years under our belt, our Tattoo Lone Piper has become an integral part of our Show. This solitary piper offers a moment of poignant reflection during a celebration of culture, music and military tradition.
The esteemed Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming undertakes the annual selection process to choose those worthy of performing the sought after role. To be considered, pipers must first undergo the challenging Pipe Major’s Course to prove they have what it takes.
This year, Lance Corporal Frank Rochford, has made history as the first Royal Marine musician to pass the Army Schools highly competitive Pipe Major Course and become our first Royal Navy Lone Piper.
Major Ross McCrindle, Director of the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming said:
In a Royal Navy lead year, it’s fantastic that Lance Corporal Frank Rochford of The Royal Marines celebrates this historic milestone. He joined our All Arms Pipe Major Course in September last year, the first Royal Marine to do so, and passed with distinction. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for this talented piper.
Growing up in Campbeltown, Argyll, Frank has played the pipes since he was 5 years old. Enticed by the impressive sound and power of the instrument, he attended the Kintyre Schools Pipe Band program under the tutorage of Pipe Major Iain McKerral.
Joining the Royal Navy in 2013, Frank’s primary role is as a musician in the Royal Marines Band Service based in Scotland. His impressive repertoire includes fiddle, clarinet and the bagpipes.
Wishing to learn more about the traditions of the Great Highland Bagpipe, Piobaireachd (classical music) and further his professional career, Frank joined the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming in 2023, passing his Pipe Major Course with the rare achievement of a “Distinction” grade in April this year.
We asked Lance Corporal Rochford what the experience meant to him and his advice for future pipers.
What does it mean to you to be the first Royal Navy Piper to pass the Pipe Majors course?
“It is a very humbling feeling to be honest. I feel privileged to have been given the chance to use my skills to represent the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. My hope is that it will open doors in the future to more pipers and then eventually a Royal Navy/Royal Marines Pipe Band.”
You’re making history twice, you’ll also be the first Royal Marines Piper to perform as the Tattoo Lone Piper, what does it feel like to represent the Royal Navy at our iconic event?
“It feels amazing to be part of the Shows history. The responsibility of having to be consistent with every performance is thrilling. It also feels amazing to stand out of the crowd and to be noticed by thousands of spectators and fellow colleagues.”
How do you prepare ahead of your Lone Piper performance at our Show?
“Firstly, I walk up to the castle and warm the pipes up for 5 mins, playing through a few tunes that I enjoy to calm my nerves. Then I play the start of the slow air and have one last tune of the pipes. I try not to over play the instrument before just to keep the nerves under control.”
How would you encourage others to pick up pipes?
“Firstly, I would encourage anyone to pop along to their local pipe band and give it a go. Pick up a chanter and try to play a basic melody. The social side is fantastic, and you’ll meet some amazing people. I would also speak to your music teachers to enquire if there is a school's pipe band nearby.”
Audiences can look out for Lance Corporal Rochford performing ‘Guth a’ Phiobaire’ from the Edinburgh Castle Ramparts during our Journeys finale. With just 3 Show remaining, ticket availability is limited. If you don’t have a ticket, you can secure yours online or by calling our Box Office on +44 (0) 131 225 1188.
For those unable to join us this month, tune into BBC Scotland at 7:00pm (in Scotland) and BBC One at 6:30pm (rest of the UK) on Monday 26 August 2024 for highlights of our Journeys Show.
23 August 2024